Saturday, December 19, 2015

Inspiration from Steve Jobs

I found this article as I was looking through my Facebook feed, and was shocked to find this is the first time I read it. As we all know too well, life is short. Life is worth living and we all need to stop and smell the roses while we are here to enjoy them. 

Read on for some inspiration from one of the most treasured men in the history of technology. We know him as a symbol of success, though he says he has little joy.  Read on for the last words of Steve Jobs:
"I have come to the pinnacle of success in business.In the eyes of others, my life has been the symbol of success.However, apart from work, I have little joy. Finally, my wealth is simply a fact to which I am accustomed. 

At this time, lying on the hospital bed and remembering all my life, I realize that all the accolades and riches of which I was once so proud, have become insignificant with my imminent death. 

In the dark, when I look at green lights, of the equipment for artificial respiration and feel the buzz of their mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of my approaching death looming over me. 

Only now do I understand that once you accumulate enough money for the rest of your life, you have to pursue objectives that are not related to wealth. 

It should be something more important:For example, stories of love, art, dreams of my childhood.No, stop pursuing wealth, it can only make a person into a twisted being, just like me. 
God has made us one way, we can feel the love in the heart of each of us, and not illusions built by fame or money, like I made in my life, I cannot take them with me. 
I can only take with me the memories that were strengthened by love.This is the true wealth that will follow you; will accompany you, he will give strength and light to go ahead. 

Love can travel thousands of miles and so life has no limits. Move to where you want to go. Strive to reach the goals you want to achieve. Everything is in your heart and in your hands. 
What is the world's most expensive bed? The hospital bed.
You, if you have money, you can hire someone to drive your car, but you cannot hire someone to take your illness that is killing you.
Material things lost can be found. But one thing you can never find when you lose: life. 
Whatever stage of life where we are right now, at the end we will have to face the day when the curtain falls. 

Please treasure your family love, love for your spouse, love for your friends...Treat everyone well and stay friendly with your neighbours."

Friday, December 4, 2015

Holiday Gifts for Ladies Fighting Pretty

When someone you love is battling cancer, we know, you want to help. You want to save them from this cancer journey and help them feel strong, beautiful and loved! Have you ordered them a Pretty Package yet? If not, click here and do it now! 

If you already what? Well, here are some really great gift ideas for the ladies in your life who are Fighting Pretty!

Find these items at the following sites:
AnaOno Intimates
Victoria's Secret
Sock Dreams
Etsy / Fighting Pretty

Have any other great ideas? Share with us! Happy Shopping! 

So this is Christmas, for weak & for strong!

So this is Christmas | And what have you done?
Another year over. 
A new one just begun.

So this is Christmas | I hope you have fun.
Near and the dear ones. 
Old and the young....

...Let's hope it's a good one...without any fear.

So this is Christmas | For weak and for strong. 
For rich and poor ones. The world is so wrong. 

So happy Christmas | For black and for white.

For yellow and red ones. 

Let's stop all the fight.

War is over, if you want it.

Every year around this time, I write a similar blog post because I can't help but have old feelings about this time of year. In 2008, I was living in New York City - the most wonderful place during this time of year. Lights were twinkling in the huge Macy's Department Store in Herald Square around dusk when I got the call at the office that I - me - 26-year-old Kara - was diagnosed with breast cancer. My new office crush, Nate Dolce, had asked me out all week long and I was looking forward to our first real Friday night date with him! But instead, I was crying in a cab on the phone with my mom on my way home from work.

That's when December became the best / worst month of the year. In 2008, I was scared. I was mad. I was afraid. But... I was newly in love. And somehow, everything around me sparkled.

I remember hearing Sarah's McLaughlin's version of "Happy Xmas" and sitting in my apartment with a (huge) glass of wine and tears running down my cheeks. Knowing that 2009 - the year ahead - would be a year of cancer, this song became so full of hope for me. I kept thinking, next year at this time, in December of 2009, I will be able to look back and listen to this song and think "What have I done? I beat cancer! Another year over. A new one just begun. Thank God! So this is Christmas...for weak and for strong! I am strong, I am amazing! 

And now at 7 years since diagnosis (YEY!), I am happy to say "War is OVER! And let's hope for a good year...without any fear!" 

As we approach the holiday season, and 2016, I wish you all the best for many years to come. Stay strong, don't ever give up and keep on Fighting Pretty ladies! Have hope that you too will know that your war is over!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Pucker up with Red Apple Lipstick

We are so excited to announce we will be featuring paraben-free and gluten-free Red Apple Lipstick lip balm in our Pretty Packages for December! As the weather gets cold, keep those lips full of moisture so you can kiss your loved one under the mistletoe this Christmas. Check out founder Kara Dolce and newest member of the Fighting Pretty team, Kelly Delaney trying out the sample color - also included in your December Pretty Package!

So if you haven't ordered a Pretty Package for the lady in your life who is battling cancer, be sure to order one before December 15th so we can get it out in time for Christmas!