Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fighting Pretty: A How-To Guide

Let's face it. Cancer sucks. There's no way around that, but one thing to do is set your mind to embracing this thing and doing what you can to make yourself feel good. It might be the hardest time of your life, but it's one that will teach you and show you how strong you are, how amazing you are, and how beautiful you are inside and out.

When founder of Fighting Pretty was going through cancer, she wrote a blog, "Loving Kara" after the foundation her family and friends set up to help her get through treatment. Here are some tips on how Kara was Fighting Pretty back in 2009 that are relevant for all women battling cancer:

One thing Kara did for every chemo appointment was get dressed for treatments as if she were going to work. Whether she'd wear her favorite heels and jewelry, fabulous red lipstick, or a sparkly belt - she always got dressed, and sometimes even dressed up!  Throw on a scarf, put on some lip gloss and you are ready to take on the world. You’ll look great, and more importantly, you’ll feel great when you dress up.  That little boost of confidence can go a long way! 

You have so much on your mind right now, that it's important to weed out the negativity. Please promise your friends at Fighting Pretty that you will avoid cancer-related information on the internet (unless it’s a self-help book or movie) and surround yourself with people who will encourage you and stick by your side through this fight.  Do something that makes you happy! Instead of watching sad, sappy movies, put on Bride Wars, Devil Wears Prada, It's Complicated, whatever! Just surround yourself with positivity. If you're not into moviesget outside for some fresh air, take up knitting or get working on a crossword puzzle. Just be sure to engage in an activity that boosts your spirits and takes your mind off cancer for a while. 

Sometimes walking into the support group can be intimidating, and nerve wracking. Who wants to share their sob story? It's hard! But one of the best things you can do is find people that can talk you through this, especially those who can say, “Been there, done that!” Confiding in others will help you keep a positive perspective, but both positive and negative attitudes are important.  Positive ones will show you how many fellow women have followed this same path and fought through, while negative ones reassure you that your feelings are normal and common.  We have some great resources for you if you can't find a support group close by. Check out:

"Never underestimate the healing power of listening to your favorite music on full blast while dancing around your house like an idiot." 

Kara Dolce and her mom Maryann were watching a movie one night, and the song "Crazy" came on by Alanis Moorisette (Seal remake). Kara was knee-deep in chemotherapy treatments and they were having a mom/daughter night watching movies and eating popcorn trying not to think about cancer. When this song came on, something struck them both! "You're never gonna survive, unless you get a little CRAZY!" The two of them started laughing, crying, jumping, and hugging! This was their Power Song together! This gave them both strength to keep on fighting this fight! 

Kara had other songs too, and even now, six years out of treatment, there are songs that resonate to always keep Fighting Pretty. So make a playlist on your iPhone and whenever you're feeling a little down, put them on, jump around and dance around your living room like an idiot! 

Here are some great ones:

Celebrate everything! Maybe you finished another round of chemo and are that much closer to being done, your hair is coming back, or you just got good results on your PTScan. Anything positive happening during this time is great.  Even if you have a ways to go, remember how far you’ve come. 

And finally, don’t forget that even through all of this, you are still YOU!  Having cancer doesn’t make you just another “cancer patient.” It simply adds character to the wonderful being that is you. Over here at Fighting Pretty we try to remind all of you of this, especially through Pretty Packages. We want you to remember that who you are won’t change throughout the cancer; you’re still beautiful and you’re still you.  

We hope this guide to Fighting Pretty will encourage and inspire you to give all you’ve got to this fight and to do it with style and poise!  Don’t forget that you are strong and you are beautiful.

To request a Pretty Package or make a donation, visit our site at www.fightingpretty.org and be sure to find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep up with all things Fighting Pretty!

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